Obilježavanje Erasmus week u Novom Sadu

U okviru Erazmus+ nedelje, 15.10.2020. godine u prostorijama Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, Univerziteta u Novom
Sadu održana je prezentacija Erazmus+ projekata. Prezentovani su sledeći projekti: Professional Development of
Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices (ProVET), Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education
of Serbia (DualEdu), Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in BH higher education
(DualSCI), Agricultural policy of European Union and its influence on competitiveness of agri-food products of Serbia
(AgriCom), Advanced data analytics in business (ADA), Dual education for industrial automatization and robotics in
Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ).
Ovom prilikom su studentima, nastavnicima i saradnicima, kao predstavnicima privrede predstavljeni rezultati
dosadašnjeg rada i plan budućih projektnih aktivnosti.
As part of Erasmus + week, at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad, on 5th October, 2020 was
held a presentation of projects. The following projects were presented: Professional Development of Vocation
Education Teachers with European Practices (ProVET), Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia
(DualEdu), Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in BH higher education (DualSCI),
Agricultural policy of European Union and its influence on the competitiveness of agri-food products of Serbia
(AgriCom), Advanced data analytics in business (ADA), Dual education for industrial automation and robotics in
Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ).
On this occasion, the results of previous work and a plan for future project activities were presented to students,
professors, assistants and representatives of the economy.