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No. WP title Leader
1. Research and needs analysis WUS
1,1 Analysis of practices and experiences in program countries
1,2 Study visits to program countries
1,3 Survey of companies needs for DHE in BIH
2. Generic Dual Higher Education Model (DUALSCI model) UES
2,1 Development of generic DUALSCI model
2,2 Organization of Conference on DUALSCI added value to industrial sector
2,3 Discussion Forum on the proposed DUALSCI model with key stakeholders and policy makers
3. Creation of Legal and Quality Assurance Conditions for Implementation of dual higher education UNSA
3,1 Creating amendments to the laws on higher education and creating a draft laws on dual education of involved entities/ cantons
3,2 Creating amendments to the Labour laws
3,3 Creating amendments to the Accreditation Criteria
3,4 Discussion forum on draft proposals of ammendments
3,5 Creating recommendations to HEIs in BIH how to implement DHE
4. Pilot testing of the generic DUALSCI model SUM
4,1 Identification and conceptual definition of specific dual models
4,2 Presenting specific dual models to companies and making agreements for participation
4,3 Planning of pilot testing of specific dual models
4,4 Purchase of equipment
4,5 Development of training materials
4,6 Development of toolkit for implementation and documentation of dual practice-integrated higher education programmes
4.7 Pilot implementation and testing of specific dual models
4.8 Analysis of the results of pilot testing
5. Quality Assurance and Monitoring FHJ
5,1 Defining plan for project quality control
5,2 Internal project control and monitoring
5,3 External evaluation
6. Dissemination and Exploitation of Results UNZE
6,1 Defining dissemination and exploitation plan
6,2 Dissemination products
6,3 Raising awareness about DUALSCI and dual education
6,4 Preparation of the interim and  final dissemination and exploitation report
6,5 Final Conference
7. Project management UNS
7,1 Overall project management
7,2 Organization of coordination meetings
7,3 Local project management
7,4 Reporting
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